Harry could not participate due to severe dehydration from an alcoholic experience on Saturday night ( ... a recurrent theme for the night apparently ...)

Dave and Fred set out at 13:30 from the usual spot and headed East towards Crepy en Valois. The tail winds made this first part very enjable as the average speed was 36kph for the first 16kms of the ride.
After this speed fest we turned North at Duvy and followed a valley all the way to Bethisy-Saint-Pierre only to come out at Nery, Rary, Ognon, Chamant a
nd finally back in Senlis.
54.8 kms in 1:49:44 makes a nice round average of 30kph, which is really not bad given the fact that we were not pushing and there was a LOT of wind!
Fabrice, gonna join in the fun next time??
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